Parco San Marco
Hotels & Beach Resort
Direct Booking Benefit
Booking your stay directly on our website includes the “Privilege Card,” granting you the following benefits:
50% discount on the parking fee
Access to Club Bim Bam Bino for children aged 2 to 16 years
Access for 4 hours to the Adults-Only SPA CEò at Euro 45,00 instead of Euro 65,00/95,00
10% discount on beauty and massage treatments
Free Ice Cream Pass during July and August for children up to 16 years
Participation in the Vital Energy & Sport Program
Best rate
Direct Booking Benefit
Booking your stay directly on our website includes the “Privilege Card,” granting you the following benefits:
50% discount on the parking fee
Access to Club Bim Bam Bino for children aged 2 to 16 years
Access for 4 hours to the Adults-Only SPA CEò at Euro 45,00 instead of Euro 65,00/95,00
10% discount on beauty and massage treatments
Free Ice Cream Pass during July and August for children up to 16 years
Participation in the Vital Energy & Sport Program
Best rate

Childcare services

Children discover the world in their own way. In our three age-oriented clubs, they are guaranteed a fantastic holiday, whatever their interests and requirements. With activities such as secured climbing, movies, yoga, shared lunch and dinner trips, theywill have a great time each day under the watchful eye of our caring and qualified Club Co-ordinators.



Exclusive Benefits for Direct Bookers


Guests who book directly with us will receive a Privilege Card, which, among other benefits, includes complimentary access to the Club Bim Bam Bino and the Teen Space program.


For guests who do not have a Privilege Card (including those who booked through an OTA), access to these programs is available at the following rates:


Full day: Euro 80.00 per child
Half day (4 hours): Euro 50.00 per child
Lunch: Euro 16.50


To learn more about the benefits of booking directly, please contact our reception team.


Even if you come to our resort for a unique holiday as a family, wouldn’t it be nice to spend a little time together on your own as well? Maybe a romantic dinner, a day in the spa, a night cap overlooking the lake, or an excursion just for adults?
To this end we are pleased to be able to offer our comprehensive childcare services. For children under two we offer babysitting on request (Euro 35,00 per hour, after midnight Euro 45,00 per hour), and even for older children we can find you someone suitable to watch over them if needed.


Please book this service at least 24 hours in advance.



Club Bim Bam Bino

Theme 2024: The Pirates

Games, fun, sports, and a lot of action - discover Club Bim Bam Bino, the best gathering place for children between 6 and 12 years old! This year the theme is "The Pirates".
Club Bim Bam Bino relies on international collaborators; the programmes and activities offered are conducted in Italian and English.
Together we'll do handicrafts, paint, play, do sports, have fun in the playground, go for a day trip in the area with mum and dad, cook with the Chef (who enjoys cooking with our young guests very much!) or play hide-and-seek or treasure hunt in the park of our family Resort in Northern Italy.
The Club Bim Bam Bino is open 7 days a week (from April to October) at Parco San Marco, the children & family friendly hotel at Lago di Lugano.
Here you can find an exemple of our Club Bim Bam Bino program for the week!
Here's our contribution to biodiversity! As part of the “Beehome Wildbiene+Partner Project”, we have shot this cute little video.


The "Bim Bam Bino Song" was composed and sung by the famous Nella Martinetti, who also wrote the winning title of the Eurovision Song Contest 1988 "Ne Partez Pas Sans Moi" for Céline Dion.


BimBamBino SONG
Mini Club

Our young guests are a top priority, therefore we commit ourselves to make sure they have an unforgettable time here with us. We pride ourselves to be THE family resort on Lake Lugano as we offer top quality, family-friendly holidays in Northern Italy.
Our caring team is sensitive to everyone´s individual needs, especially when it comes to children.
Our Mini Club offers an amusing weekly program, meant to suit children aged 2 to 5 years old.
Activities include: arts and crafts, treasure hunts, face painting, kids' cinema, storytime, adventurous outdoor games, lunch together and much more!

If our young friends feel knackered after all these fun activities, the club is also equipped with a quiet relaxation area.
The miniclub is available to our younger guests on a seasonal basis. Please contact us for more information.



Teen Space

What is the best place for us to chill? As we already went swimming, surfing and on a day trip with the family, we feel like some time for ourselves is now overdue."
At Parco San Marco we understand that teenagers feel the need of having a special place for themselves, therefore we created the Teen Space, a unique chill zone where teenager (aged 13 and older) can all hang out. Here they can unwind playing billiard and table football, watching movies, playing videogames and listening to music. Getting together is also a good chance to bond and make new friends, soon their stay at the Resort will become unforgettable!


Prices for guests not staying in the resort:
- Full day: Euro 80.00 per child
- Half day (4 hours): Euro 50.00 per child
- Lunch: Euro 16.50

Little gourmets

"You are what you eat“. Given the importance of this notion we decided to focus our attention on our culinary offer, especially the one designed for children as they are our future.
For this very reason our Executive Chef and his Team will prepare tasty and most importantly healthy meals for our Little Gourmets.
On our menus you can find homemade products, made using top quality ingredients with no added preservatives or additives.
Yours and your children´s needs are to us paramount. For this reason we have tailored our restaurants so even our young guests can enjoy a pleasant and cheerful dining experience in a friendly and comfortable atmosphere!