Parco San Marco
Hotels & Beach Resort
Direct Booking Benefit
Booking your stay directly on our website includes the “Privilege Card,” granting you the following benefits:
50% discount on the parking fee
Access to Club Bim Bam Bino for children aged 2 to 16 years
Access for 4 hours to the Adults-Only SPA CEò at Euro 45,00 instead of Euro 65,00/95,00
10% discount on beauty and massage treatments
Free Ice Cream Pass during July and August for children up to 16 years
Participation in the Vital Energy & Sport Program
Best rate
Direct Booking Benefit
Booking your stay directly on our website includes the “Privilege Card,” granting you the following benefits:
50% discount on the parking fee
Access to Club Bim Bam Bino for children aged 2 to 16 years
Access for 4 hours to the Adults-Only SPA CEò at Euro 45,00 instead of Euro 65,00/95,00
10% discount on beauty and massage treatments
Free Ice Cream Pass during July and August for children up to 16 years
Participation in the Vital Energy & Sport Program
Best rate
Parco San Marco, Dependence del Parco
Long Stay Promotion

Make the most of your vacation with our exclusive long stay offer!

Stay for 7 nights or more and enjoy 20% off your entire booking.


Plan your perfect getaway with these benefits:


  • Daily "Buongiorno" breakfast buffet until 10:30 am
  • Access to the Family SPA San Marco for pure relaxation
  • Fun and adventure in the Club Bim Bam Bino for our little guests aged 2 and up (from April to October)
  • Participation in our daily fitness and relaxation programme




This offer is valid for stays throughout the year and is subject to availability. Book by 15 March 2025 to take advantage of this special offer.


Only applicable to new reservations and cannot be combined with other offers.