Parco San Marco
Hotels & Beach Resort
Подарочные сертификаты
Direct Booking Benefit
Booking your stay directly on our website includes the “Privilege Card,” granting you the following benefits:
50% discount on the parking fee
Access to Club Bim Bam Bino for children aged 2 to 16 years
Access for 4 hours to the Adults-Only SPA CEò at Euro 45,00 instead of Euro 65,00/95,00
10% discount on beauty and massage treatments
Free Ice Cream Pass during July and August for children up to 16 years
Participation in the Vital Energy & Sport Program
Best rate
Direct Booking Benefit
Booking your stay directly on our website includes the “Privilege Card,” granting you the following benefits:
50% discount on the parking fee
Access to Club Bim Bam Bino for children aged 2 to 16 years
Access for 4 hours to the Adults-Only SPA CEò at Euro 45,00 instead of Euro 65,00/95,00
10% discount on beauty and massage treatments
Free Ice Cream Pass during July and August for children up to 16 years
Participation in the Vital Energy & Sport Program
Best rate
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Direct Booking Benefit
Discover all the benefits of direct booking!
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